simulation focus on a company named Alumina

The simulation focus is on a company named Alumina which is based in the USA. Alumina is a maker of Aluminum and operates in 8 countries: Alumina Inc is a manufacture of automotive components, packaging materials, bauxite mining, alumina refining, and alumina smelting. As a company dealing with Aluminum, they have to deal with the issue of staying within Environmental regulation. Alumina has dealt with environmental violation in the past. According to the simulation, Alumina was reported to be in violation of environmental discharge norms in a routine Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) compliance evaluation inspection 5 years ago. The EPA found that the PAH level was above the prescribed limit. The violation was promptly addressed and noted as corrected by the EPA. Alumina is not only a company that has to deal with Environmental regulation, they also have to deal with there public image.

Brief Summary of Simulation
In the simulation Alumina has reported in the local daily paper (The Erehwon Reporter) allegation that there company has repeatedly contaminated the waters of Lake Dira. These accusations came from a 38 year old single mother Kelly Bates who feels that her 10 year old daughter has leukemia due to consumption of the contaminated water. The senior team of Alumina now has to deal with how the public views the company after these allegations. To insure the company is in compliance with Environmental regulation, Alumina conducted an impendent study. In that study it revealed that Alumina was under the level of PAH required by the EPA. After that issue was taken care of The Erehwon Reporter and Kelly Bates requested that information be given to them regarding the violation 5 years ago. Under the Freedom of Information Act, Al ...
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