new restaurants by the end of this year, of which 65 per cent will be in the East and North India," McDonald's India (North and East India) Managing Director, Vikram Bakshi, told reporters here on the sidelines of Retail Forum - The Shop.
He said the company, which had initially set a target of having a presence in Kolkata by next year has preponed it. "It may happen by the end of this year itself or latest by early next year." |Driving back to dealers|
"In another 4-5 years time we are looking at having 10 outlets in Kolkata," he added.
McDonald's India, which had recently announced Rs 400 crore investment for the next two years, is also looking at increasing its turnover. | Go to Sify Business Home page |
"Considering the way we have grown at about 40 per cent every year, going forward we expect to double our turnover every alternate year," Bakshi said, however, declining to disclose the figures.
He said the company was already in talks with vendors in East India for supplies.
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new restaurants by the end of this year, of which 65 per cent will be in the East and North India," McDonald's India (North and East India) Managing Director, Vikram Bakshi, told reporters here on the sidelines of Retail Forum - The Shop.
He said the company, which had initially set a target of having a presence in Kolkata by next year has preponed it. "It may happen by the end of this year itself or latest by early next year." |Driving back to dealers|
"In another 4-5 years time we are looking at having 10 outlets in Kolkata," he added.
McDonald's India, which had recently ...